Operating Hours: 8.30am – 9.30pm (Monday – Friday)
9.30am – 9.30pm (Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday)
CARC Clubhouse Operation for these Public Holidays
National Day
09 August 2023 (Wednesday)
Close Whole Day
Christmas Eve
24 December 2023 (Sunday)
Operation Hour : 9.00am – 6.00pm
Close from 6.00pm onwards
25 December 2023 (Monday)
Close Whole Day
New Year Eve
31 December 2023 (Sunday)
Operation Hour : 9.00am – 6.00pm
Close from 6.00pm onwards
New Year
01 January 2023 (Monday)
Close Whole Day
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Login to Member Login Webpage, sign into portal
2. Key in MBID and Password
3. Select Facility booking tab on top
4. Select Facility you wish to book from dropdown list
5. Please read T&C before booking process
6. At the table, choose the date and time slot available for your booking
7. A “Thank You message’’ will pop up once booking has been chosen and enter
8. Make Payment via UEN: S90SS0083D and send a screenshot to CARC Mobile @ 9625 5903 to confirm & secure your booking
9. Refer to Badminton Court Fees table to calculate actual amount for payment
"STRICTLY NO REFUND ALLOWED" such as prevailing common practices for sporting facilities booking.
From 1st January 2024, $1 Guest Fee will resume for All CARC Members.
1. General Booking Rules
a. Available for booking by CARC Member (Sunday at 0000hrs to book for following Sunday’s Court)
b. All bookings shall be on a first-come-first-serve basis and subject to availability. Priority will be given to members who make full payment of booking.
c. Online Booking is highly recommended.
d. Member must register guest over counter and make payment prior to facilities utilization.
e. You shall use facility in accordance with you booking details and timing and shall vacate the facility at the expiration of your booking time. Otherwise, additional charges applicable.
f. Member may book 1 court for 2 hours OR 1 court for 1 hour.
g. The use of CARC facilities is governed by the provision of CARC and any other rules and regulations which may be implemented from time to time.
h. User is required to ensure the facility is clean & neat after usage.
2. Payment & Refund
a. Payment of facilities booking can be made via paynow to CARC UEN: S90SS0083D (Under reference column, indicate your MBID, C1 or C2).
b. Guest Fee of $1/pax is payable at CARC reception counter
c. Member to make payment for both facility and guest fee prior to facility usage.
d. There will be no refund of payment for facility due to cancellation or change of play date.
e. In the event CARC have to cancel member booking where the facility is unusable due to reasons such as repairs and/or maintenance or other purposes that takes priority, CARC reserve the right to grant member a replacement booking.
3. Food & Beverage
a. No outside food and beverages are permitted at Club facilities.
4. Conduct
a. Member shall conduct themselves appropriately when using the facilities. CARC reserve the right to refuse member who are difficult and/or uncooperative, or whose act and conduct we deem to be unreasonable & detrimental to the enjoyment, interests, well-bring and safety of the other users.
b. Member shall abide by all reasonable requests made by CARC.
5. Indemnity
a. By using CARC facilities, a member warrant and represent that they are physcially and medically able to participate and have no physical or medical condition that would endanger their life. Member will not hold CARC liable for any personal injury or death arising from their usage of the CARC facility.